February 2008

Date Title
2/15/08 Kerry Veteran, Reservist Bill Signed Into Law
2/13/08 Calling on the Bush Administration to outline the steps it will take to help small businesses facing a contracting credit market. Files
2/13/08 Kerry Calls on Administration to Make Capital Access Easier for Small Businesses
2/12/08 Endorsing recommendations made in an independent audit to improve the deficient information technology security controls at the SBA. Files
2/11/08 Expressing concern that the National Veteran's Business Development Corporation has not yet made a decision concerning its FY '08 grant program, resulting in reduced services at veterans centers. Files
2/7/08 Kerry, Snowe Small Business Tax Relief Passes Senate
2/7/08 Kerry Bill Would Ease Small Business Credit Crunch
2/5/08 Fed Data Shows Small Businesses Facing Credit Crunch
2/4/08 Democrats Decry Bush Administration's Policy For Women Entrepreneurs
2/4/08 Bush Budget a Bust for Small Business
2/1/08 Expressing deep concerns about the proposed rule to implement the long-delayed Women's set aside procurement program. Files
2/1/08 Kerry, Snowe, Altmire Bill for Veteran, Reservist Entrepreneurs Heads to President's Desk
2/1/08 Kerry, Snowe Praise Sarbanes Oxley Extension for Small Businesses

January 2008

Date Title
1/31/08 Kerry Named Small Business Champion by Massachusetts-Based Staples
1/30/08 Requesting that the SBA Office of Advocacy assist in efforts to help America's veterans in the area of small business development. Files
1/30/08 Bush Administration Failing Women Entrepreneurs
1/30/08 Economic Stimulus Contains Kerry, Snowe Small Business Tax Provisions
1/28/08 Kerry Small Business Tax Incentives in Senate Economic Stimulus Bill
1/24/08 Sens. Kerry and Kennedy as well as Rep. Tsongas urge the Bush Administration to deliver timely disaster loan assistance to victims of the recent fire in Lawrence, Massachusetts. Files
1/24/08 Kerry, Kennedy, Tsongas Urge Help for Fire Victims
1/24/08 Kerry Proposes Economic Help for Small Businesses
1/23/08 Levin Calls on Small Business Administration to Help Michigan Create Jobs
1/11/08 Expressing concern that the monitoring of SBA employee emails may discourage whistleblowers, and urging the institution of a new policy. Files
1/11/08 Kerry Urges Bush Administration to Protect SBA Whistleblowers
1/8/08 Urging the Bush Administration to support America's small businesses by increasing funding for the Small Business Administration. Files