Today the House of Representatives passed legislation temporarily reauthorizing the Small Business Administration through July 31, 2007. At the end of last year, Congress had to temporarily reauthorize the agency through February 2nd after the three-year comprehensive reauthorization legislation was blocked. Last Thursday, the Senate passed legislation to extend the reauthorization through July 31st. Following is a statement from Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Chairman of the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship:
"I thank the House for acting so quickly to pass the temporary reauthorization of the SBA. Over the next six months I'm committed to working with Administrator Preston, Ranking Member Olympia Snowe, and our colleagues in the House, to pass comprehensive reauthorization legislation. There is no reason for additional delay on this legislation to provide the agency with critical tools to help America's entrepreneurs succeed. Last year, Sen. Snowe and I laid out a good bipartisan plan that was blocked. Mr. Preston has made great strides in improving the beleaguered agency and I am confident that working together we can get it done by July 31st."
"I thank the House for acting so quickly to pass the temporary reauthorization of the SBA. Over the next six months I'm committed to working with Administrator Preston, Ranking Member Olympia Snowe, and our colleagues in the House, to pass comprehensive reauthorization legislation. There is no reason for additional delay on this legislation to provide the agency with critical tools to help America's entrepreneurs succeed. Last year, Sen. Snowe and I laid out a good bipartisan plan that was blocked. Mr. Preston has made great strides in improving the beleaguered agency and I am confident that working together we can get it done by July 31st."