U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), Chairman of the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship (SBC), and U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), SBC Ranking Member, today recognized the winners of the 2015 Tibbetts Awards, which include twenty-three small businesses, six individuals, and three supporting organizations for their roles in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs.
“The Tibbetts Awards highlight some of our nation’s most creative and successful entrepreneurs, and it is my great honor to recognize this year’s recipients,” said Vitter. “I would also like to honor the New Orleans BioInnovation Center from my home state, which has dedicated years to encouraging Louisiana entrepreneurs and working with local universities and researchers – all to make great strides within the health and biotechnology industries. New Orleans BioInnovations is certainly deserving of this year’s ‘Tibbie.’ When innovation meets dedication – we all win.”
“The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs help small businesses in New Hampshire engage in the research and development that keeps America at the forefront of innovation,” said Shaheen. “The Tibbetts Awards are a great opportunity to recognize the inspiring innovation that these programs are stimulating and the positive impact small businesses have in their regional economies. I want to extend a big congratulations to Celdara Medical in Lebanon, New Hamphire which thoroughly deserves this ‘Tibbie’ award for its pioneering work in medical science. I’m very pleased that Celdara Medical is being recognized for their outsized role in advancing today’s and tomorrow’s economy.”
The Tibbetts Awards highlight the small businesses that have achieved success through the Small Business Administration’s SBIR and STTR programs. All 2015 Tibbetts Award recipients will be formally honored at the White House in Washington, DC next month.
The SBIR/STTR programs expand the role of small businesses in federal research and development under the Small Business Administration, over which the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship has jurisdiction.