View release on Sen. Ernst's website HERE
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Ranking Member of the Senate Small Business Committee, today announced her Small Business of the Week: Big River Packaging. Throughout this Congress, Ranking Member Ernst plans to recognize a small business in every one of Iowa’s 99 counties.
Ernst has been traveling Iowa from river to river visiting with small business owners, hearing the concerns of job creators, and celebrating the successes of Iowa’s entrepreneurs.
“Iowa small business owners strengthen our communities by serving as key job creators, developing and retaining workforce talent in our state. I am proud to recognize the growth and success of Big River Packaging for their commitment to their employees, high-quality products, and top-notch customer service,” said Ranking Member Ernst.
Co-founders John Huling and Bob Simpson started Big River Packaging in 2005 with the idea of utilizing the dedicated, local talent in Clinton to create high-quality boxes. The dedicated team provides quality customer service to a unique clientele with over 120,000 domestic and international customers in the packaging industry.
Stay tuned as Ranking Member Ernst recognizes more Iowa small businesses across the state with her Small Business of the Week award.