U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), Chairman of the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee, today made the following statement ahead of Thursday’s Committee business meeting, in which Members will publicly vote on a subpoena to find out who is responsible for Washington’s Obamacare Exemption. They will also be marking up a number of other bills.
“Congress should absolutely not be exempt from living under Obamacare just like the millions of Americans who don’t get a special taxpayer funded subsidy. The only way Congress was able to exempt itself from Obamacare was by creating a loophole and designating itself as a ‘Small Business,’” Vitter said. “Thursday’s vote is an opportunity for Members of Congress to publicly stand for government transparency and accountability, taking one step closer to living under Obamacare – the same as the rest of America, not an elite ruling class. Issuing this subpoena will allow us to find out who is responsible for allowing Congress to receive a special taxpayer-funded subsidy on Obamacare, so we can fix this – and ultimately, end the special exemption.”
The subpoena that will be considered in Thursday’s Committee business meeting is for the un-redacted nine pages of applications the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives submitted to DC Health Benefits Exchange Authority (DCHBEA) in order for members and staff to obtain health insurance benefits on the DCHBEA small business exchange. Click here to read more.
Committee rules state that in order to issue a subpoena, both the Chairman and Ranking Member must sign off on it, or have the support of the majority of the Committee Members. Most Committee Republicans are committed to support Vitter’s request to subpoena the documents.