Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, convened a hearing to consider the nomination of Jovita Carranza to be Administrator of the Small Business Administration.
A live-stream of the hearing can be found on the committee’s website here.Chairman Rubio’s opening remarks as prepared can be found below.
Chairman Rubio: “I would like to thank everyone for joining us as we consider the nomination of Jovita Carranza to serve as Administrator of the Small Business Administration.
“Welcome to the Committee, Ms. Carranza.
“The Small Business Administration, or SBA, was established in 1953 when the Small Business Act was first signed into law by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
“The SBA has since provided entrepreneurs with vital access to capital, technical assistance, and entrepreneurial resources; ensuring that American small businesses can start, scale, and succeed.
“However, the needs of entrepreneurs and small business owners have changed in the more than six decades since the SBA was created.
“Today, there are over 30 million small businesses in the United States, employing nearly 60 million individuals.
“These firms operate in a new economic climate in which small business dynamism is vital and innovation drives growth.
“In order to continue to serve small businesses effectively, the SBA must also become dynamic and innovative.
“Agency modernization is imperative to ensure programs not only meet the needs of America’s entrepreneurs, but also help them compete in today’s global environment.
“With China’s continued economic aggression and manipulation, small businesses must be better positioned to support U.S. competition on an international scale.
“The SBA ought to provide tailored and accessible resources to support American competitiveness.
“This means the agency must expand beyond the traditional offerings, and incorporate creative programming to spur investment, support advanced manufacturing, promote innovation, and expand export opportunities.
“The Committee is actively working toward these outcomes through a comprehensive reauthorization and modernization of the Small Business Act and Small Business Investment Act.
“Together, we must create the SBA of tomorrow, not languish in the agency of decades past.
“Because, ultimately, the status quo is simply no longer good enough.
“American national competitiveness requires successful small businesses – and so do our communities.
“Roughly 1.8 million, or more than 60 percent, of all new jobs are created by small businesses.
“In my home state of Florida alone, small businesses employ over 3.4 million individuals.
“Successful small businesses mean increased access to dignified work; improved local GDP; a healthier economy; and stronger communities.
“Today’s hearing is focused on the leadership of the SBA, namely the role of Administrator, who will be our partner in addressing these issues and working with us to ensure the success of small businesses that propel American competitiveness and stronger communities.
“I am eager to have a productive conversation and look forward to considering the qualifications of Ms. Jovita Carranza and her vision for a modernized SBA.”