428A Russell Senate Office Building
The purpose of the hearing is to examine the effects of current law on property rights, invention, and investment for small businesses and innovators. The Committee will also discuss legislative options to improve patent law and protection of property rights.
Opening Remarks
Witness Panel 1
President-Elect, Association of University Technology ManagersChief Business Development Officer, Louisiana State University's Pennington Biomedical Research CenterWinwood Testimony.pdf (254.0 KBs)
Co-Chair, Small Business Technology CouncilNational Small Business AssociationSchmidt Testimony.pdf (1.3 MBs)
Founder & CEO, GlycoMimeticsChair of the Maryland Life Sciences Advisory BoardKing Testimony.pdf (177.1 KBs)
President & CEOPixelligent TechnologiesBandes Testimony.pdf (107.2 KBs)
Director of PolicyBSA | The Software AllianceMolino Testimony.pdf (126.6 KBs)