301 Russell Senate Office Building
The hearing will be webcast live on the committee's website, and an archived video will be available shortly after the hearing is complete.
Witness Panel 1
Associate AdministratorU.S. Small Business Administration Office of Entrepreneurial DevelopmentMadrid Testimony.pdf (519.3 KBs)
Witness Panel 2
President and CEOAmerica’s SBDCRowe Testimony.pdf (218.9 KBs)
Senior FellowManhattan InstituteHendrix Testimony.pdf (253.1 KBs)
CEOAssociation of Women’s Business CentersHodges Testimony.pdf (317.6 KBs)
Director of Tax Policy StudiesCATO InstituteEdwards Testimony.pdf (580.7 KBs)
CEOSCOREWeston Testimony.pdf (95.0 KBs)
Brand Ambassador, Co-Founder and HostFoundation for Economic Education, BASEDPoliticsCox Testimony.pdf (52.6 KBs)